A Beginner's Guide to Changing Your Air Filter

A Beginner's Guide to Changing Your Air Filter

A Beginner's Guide to Changing Your Air Filter


As a homeowner, it's essential to know the ins and outs of your HVAC system, starting with changing your air filter. A dirty air filter can lead to poor air quality and reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system. That's why it's essential to replace your air filter regularly. It's a simple task that can save you money in energy bills and keep your home's air clean and healthy. In this blog post, we'll go over a beginner's guide to changing your air filter, so you're prepared to tackle this task on your own.


1. Determine the Filter Size

Before you go to the store or order an air filter online, you need to know what size filter you need. The size of your filter is typically located on the air filter or in the HVAC system's manual. If you cannot find the filter size, you can measure the width, height, and thickness of the filter opening. It's crucial to ensure you have the right-sized filter, or it won't fit correctly and won't work effectively.

2. Choose the Right Filter Type

Once you've determined your filter's size, you'll need to choose the right filter type for your HVAC system. There are two primary types of air filters: disposable and washable. Disposable filters are the most common and affordable option, made from fiberglass or pleated paper. Washable filters are reusable and require periodic cleaning, making them an eco-friendly option. You may also need to consider the filter's MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) ratings, which determine how well it captures airborne particles.

3. Turn Off Your HVAC System

Before you start changing the air filter, it's essential to turn off your HVAC system. This will prevent the system from circulating dust and debris while you're changing the filter. Make sure to turn off both the thermostat and the HVAC system itself. It's also a good idea to wait a few minutes before opening the system to allow the fan to stop spinning.

4. Remove the Old Filter and Install the New One

To remove the old filter, you'll need to locate your HVAC system's filter compartment. Most filter compartments are located near the return air duct. Once you've located the filter compartment, remove the cover and take out the old filter. Make sure to dispose of the old filter correctly. Then, insert the new filter into the compartment, making sure it's installed correctly. The arrows on the filter frame should point towards the airflow.

5. Replace the Filter Regularly

Now that you've changed your air filter, it's essential to keep up with regular maintenance. Air filters should typically be replaced every three months or more frequently if you have pets or allergies. A dirty filter can reduce your HVAC system's efficiency and increase your energy bills. Regularly changing your air filter can also improve your home's indoor air quality, reducing dust and allergens in the air.



Changing your air filter is a simple task that can improve your HVAC system's efficiency and prolong its lifespan. By following these steps, you'll be able to change your air filter confidently and keep your home's air clean and healthy. Remember, for your HVAC supply needs in Central Florida, Discount Air Supply is here to help. Contact us today for more information. If you're looking for HVAC supplies in Central Florida, contact Discount Air Supply today for more information.

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